Monday, July 7, 2008

Once Upon a Pony Tail

Call me beauty. Oh, so pretty. Sexy. Mmhh... Outrageous! Loose. No, tied up? Pony? Pony tail? Sensual.
What? You wanna ride? Fine. Just be careful, because I may stick my horn on you. I don't know, it just grew up when I took your pony tail advice. But the horn idea still drove you crazy. Hm... No, i didn't say 'mmhh'! I said 'hm...'. Because you're freaking strange. Stop modelling me so you can love everything on me. Even a fucking horn that got sticked up your... behind?
Shit. Just take this fucking wig and leave me alone. Have fun by yourself. I'm not into anyone that wants me to carry a freaking horn on my head.
By the way, I love your hair. Here's a last hickey.

Man, I suck.


to Ebo, to a non American Cowboy and to You-Know-Who-You-Are.


Miguel Bugalho said...

Vou estar atento.. e espero também umas palavrinhas em português. :)

Inês said...

Que demente LOL *